Types of triggers, Adding to media clips, Adding actions – Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional User Manual
Page 446: Triggers, Triggers, action
Types of triggers
Triggers determine how actions are activated in media clips, pages, and form fields. For
example, you can specify a movie or sound clip to play when a page is opened or closed,
or when the mouse pointer enters a field. The most commonly used trigger is Mouse Up.
You can use the following triggers for media clips and form fields (not links or
Mouse Up
When the mouse button is released after a click. This is the most common button trigger,
because it gives the user one last chance to drag the pointer off the button and not activate
the action.
Page Visible (media clips only)
When the page containing the media clip is visible, regardless of whether it is the current
page. It's possible for a page to be visible without being the current page, such as when a
continuous page layout displays pages side-by-side.
Page Invisible (media clips only)
When the page containing the media clip is moved out of view.
Page Enter (media clips only)
When the page containing the media clip becomes the current page.
Page Exit (media clips only)
When a user goes to a page other than the page containing the media clip.
Mouse Down
When the mouse button is clicked (without being released). In most cases, Mouse Up is
the preferred trigger.
Mouse Enter
When the pointer enters the field or play area.
Mouse Exit
When the pointer exits the field or play area.
On Focus (media clips only)
When the form field receives focus, either through a mouse action or tabbing.
On Lose Focus (media clips only)
When the focus moves to a different form field.