Rockwell Automation 1747-PT1, D1747NP002 Hand-Held Terminal User Manual
Page 479

Hand–Held Terminal
User Manual
cursor keys, 1–10
data entry keys, 1–9
ENTER key, 2–2
ESCAPE key, 2–2
menu function keys, 1–9
RUNG key, 1–12
ZOOM key, 1–12
HHT main menu functions, 2–3
HHT messages and error definitions
alphabetical listing, A–1
warning messages, A–8
HHT program, in relation to APS, 3–1
high–speed counter (HSC)
mnemonic listing, 2–14
timer and counter instructions, 15–2, 17–9
I/O event driven interrupts
I/O interrupt disable (IID), 15–3, 18–17
I/O interrupt enable (IIE), 15–3, 18–17
reset pending I/O interrupt (RPI), 15–3,
I/O interrupt disable (IID)
5/02 processor, 18–17
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–17
mnemonic listing, 2–14
understanding I/O interrupts, 31–6
I/O interrupt enable (IIE)
5/02 processor, 18–17
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–17
mnemonic listing, 2–14
understanding I/O interrupts, 31–6
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–1
I/O event driven interrupts, 15–3, 18–17
I/O refresh (REF), 15–3, 18–19
immediate input with mask (IIM), 15–3,
immediate output with mask (IOM), 15–3,
message (MSG), 15–3, 18–2
service communications (SVC), 15–3,
I/O refresh (REF)
5/02 processor, 18–19
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–19
mnemonic listing, 2–15
immediate input with mask (IIM)
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–15
mnemonic listing, 2–14
immediate output with mask (IOM)
I/O message and communications
instructions, 15–3, 18–16
mnemonic listing, 2–14
indexed addressing for 5/02 processors,
creating data, 4–14
crossing file boundaries, 4–14
effects of file instructions on, 4–15
monitoring, 4–15
input branching, 5–5
input data file display, 12–5
inserting an instruction within a branch, 7–12
installing the memory pak, battery, and
communication cable, 1–3
instruction types, 15–1
bit, 5–1, 15–1, 16–1
bit shift, FIFO, and LIFO, 15–7, 23–1
chapters found in, 15–1
comparison, 15–4, 19–1
control, 15–8, 25–1
file copy and file fill, 15–6, 22–1
I/O message and communications, 15–3,
math, 15–5, 20–1
move and logical, 15–6, 21–1
PID, 15–9
sequencer, 15–7, 24–1
timer and counter, 15–2, 17–1
instruction words
5/01 processor, C–2
5/02 processor, C–6
fixed processor, C–2
instructions for 5/02 processor
add (ADD), 20–5
FIFO load (FFL), 23–5
FIFO unload (FFU), 23–5
I/O interrupt disable (IID), 18–17
I/O interrupt enable (IIE), 18–17
I/O refresh (REF), 18–19
interrupt subroutine (INT), 25–11
limit test (LIM), 19–9
message (MSG), 18–2
proportional integral derivative (PID), 26–1
reset pending I/O interrupt (RPI), 18–17
scale data (SCL), 20–21
selectable timed disable (STD), 25–10