Rockwell Automation 1747-PT1, D1747NP002 Hand-Held Terminal User Manual
Page 476

User Manual
Hand–Held Terminal
clear (CLR)
math instruction, 15–5, 20–11
mnemonic listing, 2–14
clearing the memory of the HHT, 6–1
communication cable, installing, 1–3
comparison instructions, 15–4, 19–1
equal (EQU), 15–4, 19–2
greater than (GRT), 15–4, 19–6
greater than or equal (GEQ), 15–4, 19–7
less than (LES), 15–4, 19–4
less than or equal (LEQ), 15–4, 19–5
limit test (LIM), 15–4, 19–9
masked comparison for equal (MEQ),
15–4, 19–8
not equal (NEQ), 15–4, 19–3
configure your HHT for online
communication, 9–1
exceptions, 9–3
configuring the controller, 6–2
configuring the I/O, 6–3
configuring the processor, 6–2
configuring the specialty I/O modules, 6–5
contacting Allen–Bradley for assistance, P–5
contents of this manual, P–2
control data file display, 12–9
control instructions, 15–8, 25–1
interrupt subroutine (INT), 15–8, 25–11
jump to label (JMP), 15–8, 25–2
jump to subroutine (JSR), 15–8, 25–4
label (LBL), 15–8, 25–3
master control reset (MCR), 15–8, 25–7
return from subroutine (RET), 15–8, 25–6
selectable timed interrupt (STI), 15–8,
subroutine (SBR), 15–8, 25–6
suspend (SUS), 15–8, 25–9
temporary end (TND), 15–8, 25–8
controller memory usage, C–1
5/02 processor, C–1
fixed and 5/01 processors, C–1
convert from BCD (FRD)
5/02 processor example, 20–17
fixed, 5/01, and 5/02 processor example,
math instruction, 15–5, 20–15
mnemonic listing, 2–14
convert to BCD (TOD)
5/02 processor example, 20–13
fixed, 5/01, and 5/02 processor example,
math instruction, 15–5, 20–12
mnemonic listing, 2–15
COP, file copy and file fill instruction, 22–2
copying an instruction, 7–30
count down (CTD)
mnemonic listing, 2–14
timer and counter instructions, 15–2, 17–7
count up (CTU)
mnemonic listing, 2–14
timer and counter instructions, 15–2, 17–7
counter data file display, 12–8
creating a program file with the HHT, 6–9
creating and deleting program files, 7–1
naming your program file, 6–9
creating a program with the HHT, 6–1
clearing the HHT memory, 6–1
configuring the controller, 6–2
naming the ladder program, 6–8
creating a subroutine program file using a
non–consecutive file number, 7–2
creating a subroutine program file using the
next consecutive file number, 7–1
creating and deleting programs, 7–1
creating a subroutine program file using a
non–consecutive file number, 7–2
creating a subroutine program file using
the next consecutive file number, 7–1
deleting a subroutine program file, 7–3
creating data, 4–19
for indexed addresses, 4–19
offline, 4–19
cursor keys, 1–10
data entry keys, 1–9
data file 2 – status, 4–3
data file 3 – bit, 4–8
data file 4 – timers, 4–9
data file 5 – counters, 4–10
data file 6 – control, 4–11
data file 7 – integer, 4–12
data file displays
bit files, 12–8
control files, 12–9
counter files, 12–8
examples of, 12–5
input files, 12–5
integer files, 12–9
output files, 12–5
status files, 12–6