C00490 | position encoder selection, C00495 | speed sensor selection, C00496 | encoder evaluation method digin12 – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual
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Parameter reference
Parameter list | C00490
Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Parameter | Name:
C00490 | Position encoder selection
Data type: UNSIGNED_8
Index: 24085
= 5E15
Selection of the feedback system for the generation of the actual position on the load
Selection list
(Lenze setting printed in bold)
0 No sensor: nSpeedSetValue_a
No encoder available on the load.
The position signal dnMotorPosAct_p is derived from the
speed setpoint nSpeedSetValue_a.
1 Sensor signal FreqIn12
Position encoder signal is fed via digital inputs DI1 and
2 Encoder signal FreqIn67
Position encoder signal is fed via digital inputs DI6 and
5 Encoder signal FreqIn1267
From version 15.00.00
Position encoder signal is fed via digital inputs DI1/DI2
and DI6/DI7 (connection of 4-track HTL encoders)
10 Encoder selection C495 or
From version 12.00.00
The position signal dnMotorPosAct_p is either calculated
from the set speed feedback (for
> 0) or from the
speed signal nMotorSpeedAct_v (for
= 0).
Read access Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer COM MOT
Scaling factor: 1
Parameter | Name:
C00495 | Speed sensor selection
Data type: UNSIGNED_8
Index: 24080
= 5E10
Selection of the feedback system for the actual speed for motor control and display
Selection list
(Lenze setting printed in bold)
0 No sensor
No sensor available for the actual speed detection
1 Sensor signal FreqIn12
Speed sensor signal is fed via the digital DI1 and DI2
2 Encoder signal FreqIn67
Speed encoder signal is fed via digital inputs DI6 and DI7
5 Encoder signal FreqIn1267
From version 15.00.00
Speed encoder signal is fed via digital inputs DI1/DI2 and
DI6/DI7 (connection of 4-track HTL encoders)
Read access Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer COM MOT
Scaling factor: 1
Parameter | Name:
C00496 | Encoder evaluation method DigIn12
Data type: UNSIGNED_8
Index: 24079
= 5E0F
Selection list
(Lenze setting printed in bold)
0 High-resolution encoders
High-precision procedure for high-resolution encoders
(>=512 increments)
1 Low-resolution encoder (StateLine)
High-precision procedure for low-resolution encoders
(<=128 increments)
2 Comb. encoder procedure
Combination of the first two procedures as a function of
the speed (recommended procedure)
3 Edge-counting procedure
Simple edge counting procedure with adjustable
scanning time (
Read access Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer COM MOT
Scaling factor: 1