3 activation of the modulo measuring system, Activation of the modulo measuring system, 8basic drive functions (mck) – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual
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Basic drive functions (MCK)
Basic settings
Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14
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Activation of the modulo measuring system
This function extension is available from version 06.00.00!
The modulo measuring system is also called "rotary table application".
[8-12] Example: Rotary table application
• The measuring system is repeated.
• If the set cycle is exceeded, a defined overflow takes place.
• In a rotary system, the cycle corresponds to one revolution or a tool distance.
• For positioning, the home position must be known.
• Exception: Positioning modes relative (TP) and continuous (TP)
• Software limit positions are not effective.
• Absolute targets can be approached by exceeding the measuring system limit, e.g. from 10° via
0° to 350°.
Activating the modulo measuring system
The Modulo system is activated by setting a cycle (
) > 0 units.
• The setting of the cycle is possible when the controller is enabled.
• When the cycle (
) is set to 0 units (Lenze setting), the traversing range is unlimited
(classical measuring system).
Creation of the modulo measuring system
When the Modulo measuring system is active, it is displayed internally via an integrator. The
Modulo position is provided at the dnPosSet_p process output of the SB
and displayed in
. When the Modulo measuring system is not active, the continuous
(dnPosSetValue_p) setpoint position is output instead.
: Cycle