7 overview window, Overview window 5, Overview window – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual
Page 1195: 16 working with the fb editor

Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14
Working with the FB Editor
User interface
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Overview window
The overview window shows the drawing area in a reduced view. The overview window serves to
e.g. move quickly through a more complex interconnection.
How to show the monitor window:
Go to the Context Menu of the drawing area and select the Overview Window.
• If you execute this command again, the overview window is hidden again.
• The green frame in the overview window indicates the interconnection cutout that is currently
displayed in the drawing area.
• Use the mouse pointer to shift and resize the cutout to be displayed.
How to shift the cutout presented in the drawing area:
1. Position the mouse pointer to the green frame in the overview window.
• The mouse pointer symbol becomes a positioning cross.
2. Click left mouse button and shift the green frame to its new position by keeping the mouse
button pressed, so that the desired cutout of the interconnection is displayed in the
drawing area.