C01352 | acdrive: status word, C01352/1, 15 parameter reference – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual
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Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14
Parameter reference
Parameter list | C01352
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Parameter | Name:
C01352 | ACDrive: Status word
Data type: UNSIGNED_16
Index: 23223
= 5AB7
From version 13.00.00
Display of the "AC Drive Profile" status word of the controller
• Detailed information on the "AC Drive Profile" can be found in the EtherNet/IP™ communication manual.
Actuating drive speed (AC Drive Profile)
Display area
(min. hex value | max. hex value)
Value is bit-coded:
Bit 0 Faulted
0 ≡ No errors
1 ≡ Errors have occurred
Bit 1 Warning
0 ≡ No warnings
1 ≡ Warnings have occurred
Bit 2 Running1 (Fwd)
Relationships between Run1 and Run2 and trigger
events can be found in the chapter "
Bit 3 Running2 (Rev)
Bit 4 Ready
0 ≡ Different status than in case of "1"
1 ≡ Ready or Enabled or Stopping
Bit 5 Ctrl from Net
Run/Stop control:
0 ≡ via local setting in the device or terminal
1 ≡ via fieldbus (e.g. by the scanner)
Bit 6 Ref from Net
Reference speed/reference torque:
0 ≡ via local setting in the device or terminal
1 ≡ via fieldbus (e.g. by the scanner)
Bit 7 At Reference
1 ≡ Currently, the controller runs with the reference
speed or reference torque (depending on the "drive
Bit 8 DriveState_0
The "Drive State" is coded as follows:
0: Manufacturer-specific (not used with 8400)
1: Start-up (drive initialisation)
2: Not_Ready (mains voltage switched off)
3: Ready (mains voltage switched-on)
4: Enabled (drive has received "Run" command)
5: Stopping (drive has received "Stop" command and is
6: Fault_Stop (drive is stopped due to an error)
7: Faulted (errors have occurred)
Bit 9 DriveState_1
Bit 10 DriveState_2
Bit 11 DriveState_3
Bit 12 DriveState_4
Bit 13 DriveState_5
Bit 14 DriveState_6
Bit 15 DriveState_7
ACDrive: Status word
Read access Write access CINH PLC STOP No transfer COM MOT