Alternative functions for control bit "posexecute, 8basic drive functions (mck) – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual

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Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14



Basic drive functions (MCK)



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Alternative functions for control bit "PosExecute"



, alternative functions for bit 16 (PosExecute) in the MCK control word can be selected

with bit-coding.

PosStop with PosExecute = FALSE
If bit 0 has been set in


, positioning can only be started/cancelled with the "PosExecute"

control bit.

• If the "Positioning" operating mode has been set on the MCK, the "Pos-Execute" control bit has

the following effects when being activated:

HomingStartStop with PosExecute
If bit 1 has been set in


, homing can only be started/stopped with the "PosExecute" control


• If the "Homing" operating mode has been set on the MCK, the "PosExecute" control bit has the

following effect when activated:

SetProfilPosition with PosExecute
If bit 2 has been set in


and control bit ("PosExecute") is being set, the setpoint position being

applied is incorporated in the currently selected profile and then the profile is started immediately.

• If the "Positioning" operating mode has been set on the MCK, the "PosExecute" control bit has

the following effect when activated:

Signals at the input

Signals in the control word to the MCK

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosStop = FALSE

bHomingStartStop remains unchanged

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosStop = TRUE

bHomingStartStop remains unchanged

Signals at the input

Signals in the control word to the MCK

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosStop = FALSE

bHomingStartStop = TRUE

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosStop remains unchanged

bHomingStartStop = FALSE

Signals at the input

Signals in the control word to the MCK

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosExecute = TRUE

bPosStop = FALSE

bHomingStartStop remains unchanged

bPosTeachSetPos = TRUE (edge)

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosExecute = FALSE

bPosStop remains unchanged

bHomingStartStop remains unchanged

bPosTeachSetPos = FALSE