3 activating the mains failure control, 3 activating the mains failure control 1, 17 function library – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual

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Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14



Function library


Function blocks

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Activating the mains failure control

The mains failure control is activated by setting bFault to TRUE. The controller now generates the

required operational energy from the rotational energy of the drive. The drive is braked via the

power loss of the controller and the motor. Thus, the speed deceleration ramp is shorter than for an

uncontrolled system (coasting drive).

After activating the mains failure control:

1. The acceleration time set in


is used to control the DC-bus voltage to the value at


2. At nNOut_a, an internally generated speed setpoint is output which serves to brake the drive to

a speed close to "0" (via the speed setpoint).

• Starting value for the controlled deceleration is the value at nSet_a. This input is

appropriately connected to the actual speed value nMotorSpeedAct_a of the




• The speed deceleration ramp (and hence the braking torque) results from the moment of

inertia of the load machine(s), the power loss of the drive (system) and the set parameter


Stopping/cancelling the mains failure control
When bFault is reset to FALSE, an internal timing element is triggered. After the time set in


has elapsed, the mains failure control is stopped/cancelled.

• When the restart protection is active, the drive is continued to be braked to standstill.



( 1405)

• When the restart protection is active, the drive can only be reset by setting the bReset input

to TRUE.

• When the restart protection not active, the drive is accelerated to the speed setpoint.


mains recovery (KU)

( 1405)


If a connected braking unit responds, the drive is braked with a max. possible torque



). In this case, adapt the parameter setting if required (see the following chapter).

If the power section is not supplied, the drive cannot create a standstill torque

(important for active loads as e.g. hoists).