Index – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual
Page 1569

Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14
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Controlled current setpoint (C02300)
Filter cutoff frequency (C02302)
Filter time rotor position (C02303)
PLL gain (C02304)
Switching speed (C02301)
Cross current controller gain (C02292)
Field current controller gain (C02291)
Speed limitation (C02273)
Speed sensor selection (C02260)
Switching frequency (C02214)
Ti current controller (C02226)
Ti speed controller (C02221)
Ultimate motor current (C02279)
Limitation V/f + sensor (C02284)
Ti V/f +sensor (C02286)
Time const. slip comp. (C02281)
V/f base frequency (C02212)
Vmin boost (C02213)
Vp V/f +sensor (C02285)
Minimum voltage V/f (C02289)
Ti CosPhi controller (C02288)
Voltage reduction ramp (C02290)
Vp CosPhi controller (C02287)
Vp current controller (C02225)
Vp speed controller (C02220)
WriteValue_1 (C01086)
WriteValue_2 (C01087)
WriteValue_3 (C01088)
WriteValue_4 (C01089)
LU: DC bus undervoltage (error message)
Machine parameters
Main program runtime (C00321)
Mains connection (behaviour)
Mains phase failure monitoring
Mains voltage (C00173)
Manual control
Manual DC-injection braking (DCB)
Manual entry of motor type (C01001)
Manual jog
Setting (C01230)
Manual jog to software limit position
Manual motor direction of rotation check
Master functionality (CAN)
Max. motor speed (C00965)
Max. number of AutoFailReset processes (C00186)
Maximum current monitoring
Maximum torque (C00057)
Maximum torque monitoring
Maximum travel distance
MCI input words (C00876)
MCI output words (C00877)
Inversion (C00890)
Accel./decel. times (C02610)
Control word (C01240)
Current operating mode (C01243)
Current pos profile number (C01242)
Current positions (C01210)
Cycle (C01201)
Diagnostic word (C01247)
Feed constant (C01204)
Follower accelerations (C01237)
Follower speeds (C01236)
Follower S-ramp times (C01238)
Following error (C01215)
iG motor/position encoder (C01203)
iM motor/process (C01202)
Limitations (C02611)
Manual jog accelerations (C01232)
Manual jog breakpoints (C01234)
Manual jog speeds (C01231)
Manual jog S-ramp time (C01233)
Manual jog waiting times (C01235)
Max. travel distance
Max. traversing distance (C01213)
Mounting direction (C01206)
Operating mode change at profile no. (C01298)
Position follower setting (C01218)
Position limiting values (C01229)
Position resolution (C01205)
Positioning setting (C01216)
Ref speeds (C01224)
Ref. accelerations (C01225)
Ref. M limit mode 14/15 (C01222)
Ref. mode (C01221)
Ref. positions (C01227)
Ref. sequence profile (C01228)
Ref. setting (C01220)
Ref. S-ramp time (C01226)
Ref. waiting time mode 14/15 (C01223)
Resp. to MCK error (C00595)
Select signal source (C01246)
Speed (C01211)
Speed follower setting (C01219)
Status word (C01241)
Stop accelerations (C01251)
Stop S-ramp times (C01252)
Target detection - positions (C01245)
Target detection - times (C01244)
MCK control word
MCK interface
MCK state machine
MCK status bit "HomPosAvailable"
MCK status bit "S_ShapingActive"
MCK status word