4 export error texts, Export error texts, 9diagnostics & error management – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual

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Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14



Diagnostics & error management


Error messages of the operating system

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Export error texts

All error texts of the controller can be exported into a text file (*.txt) for further processing.

• The error text is preceded with the corresponding 32-bit error number (no error type) and the

16-bit error number, both as decimal number.

• If there is no corresponding 16-bit error number for a 32-bit error number, the field remains


Output of the German and English error texts:

How to export the error texts into a text file:

1. Go to the Project view in the Context menu of the 8400 HighLine controller and execute the

Export error texts... command.

2. Define the following options in the Export error texts dialog box:

• Output file and memory location
• Languages to be exported (German/English/French)
• Device/module to be exported
• Separator (tabulator or semicolon)
• Font (UTF8, standard font or ASCII)

3. Click OK to start the export.

• After the export, a message appears indicating whether the export was successful.


From version 13.00.00

, the 32-bit number of the state-determining error is displayed in


without error type.

If, for instance, the error texts are stored in a master control or on an operator panel, the

error text to be displayed can be detected by reading the



32-BitError 16-BitError DE-de EN-en

0 0 No error No error

111 11 Versorgungsspannung Supply voltage

119 / 19

12323 : Motor management / encoder

125 25 E/A integriert I/O integrated


26214416 6672 dH10: Lüfterausfall dH10: Fan failure

26214505 6761 dH69: Abgleichdatenfehler dH69: Adjustment fault