15 parameter reference – Lenze 8400 HighLine User Manual

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Lenze · 8400 HighLine · Referenzhandbuch · DMS 10.0 EN · 06/2014 · TD05/TD14



Parameter reference


Parameter list | C02865

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bit 3 DCB: Current controller and C036

app. to C088

Bit 4 Motorident.: No calculation C73 C75

C76 C77 C78

From version 12.00.00 onwards

: Following successful

motor parameter identification, the current controller

and field controller parameters are calculated as well.

If these parameters are not to be calculated, bit 4 must

be set to "1".

0 ≡ Calculate parameter

1 ≡ Do not calculate parameter

Automatic motor data identification

Bit 5 Motorident.: Calculation C70 C71


From version 12.00.00 onwards

: Following successful

motor parameter identification, the speed controller

parameters can automatically be calculated as well.

If these parameters are to be calculated, bit 5 must be set

to "1".

0 ≡ Do not calculate parameter

1 ≡ Calculate parameter

Automatic motor data identification

Bit 6 Motorident.: Calculation C11 C22

C497 C966 C982

From version 12.00.00 onwards

: Following successful

motor parameter identification, further controller

parameters can be calculated automatically.

If these parameters are to be calculated, bit 6 must be set

to "1".

0 ≡ Do not calculate parameter

1 ≡ Calculate parameter

Automatic motor data identification

Bit 7 Brake chopper off in case of pulse


From version 14.00.00

0 ≡ No response of the brake chopper in case of pulse


1 ≡ In case of pulse inhibit, the brake chopper is

permanently switched off without any delay.

Braking operation/brake energy management

Bit 8 DC-bus supply with DC charging


Bit 9 Inverter characteristics inactive

From version 12.00.00

In case of very low-inductance motors (e.g. synchronous

motor with a rated frequency of 1000 Hz) the inverter

error characteristic needs to be switched off as otherwise

the current of the device might be switched off.

0 ≡ Inverter error characteristic is active

1 ≡ Inverter error characteristic is not active

Bit 10 SCPSM: Extrapolation - actual speed

value inactive

Bit 11 TopLine: Speed encoder signal cycle


Bit 12 In case of QSP - nTorqueSetValue_a


From version 13.00.00

Bit 13 In case of QSP - nTorquexxxLimit_a


From version 13.00.00

Bit 14 Sensitivity of setpoint feedf. ctrl. 16


From version 14.00.00

Bit 15 SC: Dead time of speed setpoint


From version 14.00.00


Lenze setting





: Special settings

Read access  Write access  CINH  PLC STOP  No transfer  COM  MOT

Parameter | Name:

C02865 | MCTRL: Special settings

Data type: UNSIGNED_16

Index: 21710


= 54CE
