Configuring ntp, Configuration considerations for ntp, Setting the date and time – Brocade Network OS Administrator’s Guide v4.1.1 User Manual

Page 98: Setting the time zone

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Configuring NTP

The following sections discuss how to correctly configure the Network Time Protocol for Brocade

Configuration considerations for NTP

If you are in Standalone mode, Network Time Protocol (NTP) commands must be configured on each
individual switch. Network time synchronization is guaranteed only when a common external time
server is used by all switches. If you are in VCS mode, when an ntp server command is invoked on
one switch in a cluster, the configuration is applied to all switches in the cluster.

The ntp server command accepts up to five server addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 format. When you
configure multiple NTP server addresses, the ntp server command sets the first obtainable address
as the active NTP server. If there are no reachable time servers, then the local switch time is the
default time until a new active time server is configured.

Setting the date and time

The clock set command sets the local clock date and time. Valid date and time values must be in the
range between January 1, 1970 and January 19, 2038. If a time zone is not configured, the time zone
defaults to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If an active NTP server is configured for the switch, it
overrides the local time settings.

Enter the clock set CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS command.

The variables represent the following values:

CCYY specifies the year; the valid range is 1970 through 2038.
MM specifies the month; the valid range is 01 through 12.
DD specifies the day; the valid range is 01 through 31.
HH specifies the hour; the valid range is 00 through 23.
MM specifies the minutes; the valid range is 00 through 59.
SS specifies the seconds; the valid range is 00 through 59.

If you are in VCS mode, setting the time and date is done using the RBridge ID of the node.

Here is an example of setting and displaying the date and time in standalone mode:

switch# clock set 2013-06-06T12:15:00

switch# show clock

rbridge-id 1: 2013-06-06 12:15:05 Etc/GMT+0

Here is an example of setting and displaying the date and time in VCS mode:

switch# clock set 2013-06-06T12:15:00 rbridge-id all

switch# show clock

rbridge-id all: 2013-06-06 12:15:05 Etc/GMT+0

Setting the time zone

Use the clock timezone command to set the time zone for a switch. You must use the command for
all switches for which a time zone must be set. However, you only need to set the time zone once on
each switch, because the value is written to nonvolatile memory.

If you are in VCS mode, setting the time and date is done by using the RBridge ID of the node.

Configuring NTP


Network OS Administrator’s Guide
