Brocade Network OS Administrator’s Guide v4.1.1 User Manual
Page 155

ECMP load-balancing operands
Destination MAC address and VID-based load balancing
Source and Destination IP address-based load balancing
Source and Destination IP and MAC address and VID-based load balancing
src-dst-ip-mac-vid-port Source and Destination IP, MAC address, VID and TCP/UDP port based load balancing
Source and Destination IP and TCP/UDP port-based load balancing
Source and Destination MAC address and VID-based load balancing
Source MAC address and VID-based load balancing
Additionally, you can choose to swap adjacent bits of the hash key using the fabric ecmp load-balance-
hash-swap command. This is useful in cases where a choice of any of the hash key combinations
causes the distribution of traffic to not be uniform.
The fabric ecmp load-balance-hash-swap command is used to configure the swapping of the input
fields before feeding them to the hash function. The integer is interpreted as a bitwise control of the
212-bit key. Each bit controls whether the two adjacent bits of the key are to be swapped. This 32-bit
control value is written to all four hash swap control registers. This value is replicated in 32-bit block to
form a 106-bit value. A value of 0x0 does not swap any input fields while a value of 0xffffffff swaps all
106 input bit-pairs.
To configure the ECMP load-balancing feature, perform the following steps in global configuration
1. Enter RBridge ID configuration mode.
switch(config)# rbridge-id 2
2. Execute the fabric ecmp load-balance command for the stream you want to favor.
This example uses the Destination MAC address and VID-based load balancing flavor.
switch(config-rbridge-id-2)# fabric ecmp load-balance dst-mac-vid
3. Optional: Use the fabric ecmp load-balance-hash-swap command to swap the input fields before
feeding them to the hash function.
switch(config-rbridge-id-2)# fabric ecmp load-balance-hash-swap 0x4
4. Use the show fabric ecmp load-balance command to display the current configuration of hash field
selection and hash swap.
switch# show fabric ecmp load-balance
Fabric Ecmp Load Balance Information
Rbridge-Id : 2
Ecmp-Load-Balance Flavor : Destination MAC address and VID based load balancing
Ecmp-Load-Balance HashSwap : 0x4
Configuring Brocade VCS Fabrics
Network OS Administrator’s Guide