Configuring vlan profiles – Brocade Network OS Administrator’s Guide v4.1.1 User Manual
Page 332
1. Configure the physical interface, LAG, or vLAG as a port-profile port.
switch(if-te-2/0/1)# port-profile-port
2. Create and configure a new port-profile name.
switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile
switch(config-port-profile-vm1-port-profile)# vlan-profile
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport mode trunk
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport trunk native-vlan 300
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 300
3. Exit VLAN profile configuration mode.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# exit
4. Activate the profile.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile activate
5. Associate the profile to the MAC address for each host.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0001
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0002
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0003
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0004
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0005
Configuring VLAN profiles
The VLAN profile defines the VLAN membership of the overall port-profile, which includes both the
tagged and untagged VLANs.
Private VLAN port mode commands are not available for AMPP VLAN profiles.
To configure the VLAN profile, perform the following steps in global configuration mode.
1. AMPP profiles cannot be modified while active. De-activate the port-profile before modifying the
VLAN profile.
switch(config)# no port-profile vm1-port-profile activate
2. Enter VLAN profile configuration mode.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile
switch(config-port-profile-vm1-port-profile)# vlan-profile
3. Use the switchport command to change the mode to Layer 2 and set the switching characteristics
to the defaults.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport
4. Access the VLAN profile mode for the correct VLAN.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport access vlan 200
5. Enter trunk configuration mode.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport mode trunk
6. Configure the trunk mode for the allowed VLAN IDs.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10, 20, 30-40
7. Configure the trunk mode to be a native VLAN.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# switchport trunk native-vlan 300
8. Exit VLAN profile configuration mode.
switch(config-pp-vlan)# exit
9. Activate the profile.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile activate
10.Associate the profile to the MAC address for each host.
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0001
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0002
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0003
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0004
switch(config)# port-profile vm1-port-profile static 0050.56bf.0005
Configuring VLAN profiles
Network OS Administrator’s Guide