Rockwell Automation 8520-GUM 9/Series CNC Grinder Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

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9/Series Grinder


Operation and Programming Manual


D word, 22-10
during compensation, 22-15
execution of, 22-11

M904, 22-13

making request, 22-10
operator request (manual type), 22-10
overview, 22-1, 22-10
pre dress request, 22-11
program requirements, 22-13
retrace blocks, 22-13
selecting program, 22-10
special considerations, 22-15

Dry Run, 7-21

DSI SP75, 9-4

Dual Axis

configuration, 12-82
homing, 12-85
invalid operations, 12-87
offsets for, 12-88
parking, 12-84
programming, 12-86
terms, 12-83

Dwell, 12-78

seconds, 12-78
spindle revolutions, 12-78


Editing a Program, 5-3

changing and inserting, 5-7
entering characters and blocks, 5-7
erasing characters and blocks, 5-10
exiting edit mode, 5-15
main program directory, 5-1
part programs off line, 6-3
protectable program directory, 5-42
selecting a program, 5-1

Emergency Stop

operations, 2-22
reset, 2-22

Emergency Stop Operations, 2-10

Emergency Stop Reset, 2-10

Energizing the Control, 2-18

English, Language Display, 8-23

Entering Characters and Blocks, 5-7

Entering Part Programs Off Line, 6-1


LX-810 (USA), 9-4

SP-500 (Japan), 9-4

Erasing a Program, 5-37

Erasing Characters and Blocks, 5-10

Error Messages

clearing, 2-40
Currently Active, 2-38
display, 2-37
Error Log, 2-38
System, B-1

Exact Stop, G09, G61, 12-69

Exiting Edit Mode, 5-15

Exponential Acc/Dec, 12-64

External Offset, 11-10

External Part Rotation, 11-28


F Word, 10-22, 12-61

F1 F4, 2-10

F1 F9 Feedrates, 12-61

Facing Cycle, rough, 18-7

Facit 4070, 9-4

Facit N4000, 9-4

Feed Per Minute Mode (G94), 12-56

Feed Per Revolution Mode (G95), 12-56

Feedhold, 12-59

Feedrate Override, 2-10

Feedrate Override Switch, 12-58

Feedrates, 12-53

during compensation, 12-54
external deceleration, 12-62
limits, 12-59
override, 12-58
rapid, 12-57
rotary, 12-60
single digit, 12-61
special, 12-61


angled-wheel motion, 14-6
G16.4 mode, 14-9

Fixed Cycles, see Cycles, 16-1, 17-1

Format, RAM Disk, 2-42

French, Language Display, 8-23