Rockwell Automation 8520-GUM 9/Series CNC Grinder Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 78

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Chapter 3
Offset Tables and Setup


Dresser Radius

The control can compensate for errors resulting from slight or even large
rounding of the dresser tip. To do so, the radius of the dresser must be
entered in the radius table. For more information on activating an offset
for dresser/wheel radius compensation, see chapter 15.

Figure 3.4

Dresser Radius for a Typical Diamond Point Dresser



Corner Radius

The control can compensate for error resulting from the rounded corner
commonly dressed into the grinding wheel. This corner radius should be
the corner of the wheel selected as the control point using wheel length

In order for dresser/wheel radius compensation to properly compensate for
wheel corner roundness, you must enter the corner radius of the control
point wheel corner into the offset table. The same wheel can have 1, 2, or
more corners entered for its corner radius. It is the programmer’s
responsibility to use the correct radius (called by first two digits in T word)
for the correct control point of the grinding wheel (called by second two
digits in T word).