Rockwell Automation 8520-GUM 9/Series CNC Grinder Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 584

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Cylindrical Grinding Fixed Cycles

Chapter 17


This parameter is the system F word. Programming it here alters the
feedrate for any subsequent axis motion. Programming F0 selects the
rapid feedrate.

E -- reciprocation, dither, or shoulder feedrate. The feedrate entered
here is for the reciprocating axis in G82 and G83. It is the feedrate for the
dither axis in G84 and G85. It is the feedrate for the shoulder grinding axis
in G87 and G88. It is the medium plunge feedrate of the G89 cycle. It is
not used for the G86 grinding cycle. The value entered with this parameter
must be within the range of legal F words defined for your system.
Programming a value of zero with the E parameter is illegal and an error
results (except for the G89 cycle). If the E parameter is not programmed,
then the F parameter value is used.

This parameter is “program modal,” meaning that it needs to be
programmed only once in a part program. Any subsequent grinding blocks
(G81 -- G85, G87, G88, and G89) use a previously programmed value if a
new value is not programmed.

P -- dress program number. The number entered here must be a legal
program number (a program that has been saved as a subprogram using the
O word followed by a number of up to five digits). This dress program is
used for the pre-dress and/or auto-dress operation and is executed the
number of times defined by the D parameter.

If the cylindrical grinding cycle block calls for a pre-dress operation
(G81.1 to G89.1), then the first dress program execution occurs before the
actual grinding cycle begins, regardless of the number entered for the D

This parameter is “program modal,” meaning that it needs to be
programmed only once in a part program. Any subsequent grinding cycle
blocks (G81 -- G86) use a value from a previous grinding cycle block if a
new value is not programmed

Important: It is the programmer’s responsibility to make sure that the
dress program can be executed safely from the reciprocation reversal

D -- number of auto-dress executions. This parameter is used for the G82
-- G85 grinding cycles only and is not valid for the G86 -- G89 grinding
cycles. The number entered here (any integer from 0 to 999) indicates how
many times the dress program (P) is executed over the duration of the
grinding cycle. The way these dress operations are distributed throughout
the cycle varies, depending on the particular cycle. In general, the dress
operations occur immediately after a plunge pick move or immediately
before a plunge shift move is made.