Rockwell Automation 8520-GUM 9/Series CNC Grinder Operation and Programming Manual Documentation Set User Manual
Page 283
Introduction to Programming
Chapter 10
(4) O Word Program Name
The program name, if on the tape, must follow the program start code.
When outputting to tape, the program name can be determined by:
Program Name:
Manually keying in the program name
-- --
Selected from the first block of the
No name has been manually keyed in and the first
block contains an O word, : (for EAI format), or N word
after the program start code.
Selected form the program directory
No name has been manually keyed in and no name
exists in the first block of the program. For the program
name to be taken from the directory screen, the
program must be stored on that directory with the letter
O followed by up to 5 numeric digits. In this case, the
control generates an O word block as the first block of
the program written to tape.
No name is used
A program is stored on tape with no program name if
none of the above naming conditions are met.
(5) Part Program Section
A part program is made of blocks of information. Individual blocks
contain words that the control can interpret. Individual words are made up
of an address with a numeric value. For details on words and addresses,
see the remaining sections of this chapter.
This section should include a program name, program blocks, comments,
and end-of-program. Each block in the part program is separated by an
EOB code. The control displays a semicolon “;” to indicate the presence
of an EOB code.
(6) Comment
Information punched between the control out code “(” and the control in
code “)” within the program section is considered a comment and is not
handled as significant information (even though it is copied to and from
control memory or tape). Any number of comments can be included in a
part program interspersed with program blocks or words.
Example 10.1
Comments in Part Programs
Each of the above program blocks contains a comment. The control does
not regard the comment as significant information, except when it appears
in the first block of the program. In this case, the comment is displayed on
the program directory screen as part of the program name.