HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 424
DSM/SCM User’s Guide — 529846-014
Glossary - 5
Expand network
Expand network. The NonStop operating system network that extends the concept of
fault-tolerant operation to networks of geographically distributed NonStop systems. If
the network is properly designed, communication paths are constantly available even if
a single line or component fails.
export. The act of transferring files from the DSM/SCM archive to a standard NonStop
operating system format. You can export all or selected files in a subvolume, SPI
definition files, EMS template files, or privileged declarations files.
external tape label. An optional, 6-character identifier that is used in EMS event messages
displayed to operators during the processing of a request. It is the contents of a
physical label attached to a tape, not the ID of a labeled tape.
fingerprint. A unique identifier calculated for a file and displayed in hexadecimal format.
FRABIBAB. The First Real Apply Build, Initial Build Apply Bypass is the first real
Build/Apply performed on a target when an Initialization Build/Apply was not
function. A file property that indicates how the file is used, such as whether it contains
documentation (DOCPRINT), is to be bound into the operating system during system
generation (SYSGEN), or is to be placed in a target subvolume (USER).
File Utility Program (FUP). A NonStop utility used, for example, to create, copy, purge, and
set the security of files.
Global Customer Support Center (GCSC)
Global Customer Support Center (GCSC). A support organization that provides telephone
and remote diagnostic support for HP customers. GCSCs are located all over the
graphical user interface (GUI). A user interface that offers point-and-click access to
program functions.
group. A set of software inputs or products that is given a name and can be manipulated as
a single entity.
group name. The name given by a planner to a set of software inputs or products.
GUI. See
graphical user interface (GUI)
host database. An SQL database maintained for the host system and containing
information about requests, software inputs, snapshots, targets, and profiles.
host system. The central site on which DSM/SCM is managed, the archive is maintained,
and configuration revisions are built. The host system is also a target system.