Xml-file for dynamic texts, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

PLC Designer Visualization


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

• Specify the ID (as used in the xml-file) in configuration dialog 'Variables' in field

'Textdisplay' resp. 'Tooltip-display':
Enter a value (number) resp. a project variable which should define the ID of a text
(as used in the XML-file).
In case of message texts of an alarm table, the ID must match the respective line
number in the table .

• Define the text format in configuration dialog 'Text' resp. 'Text for tootip':

In the Content field, insert a placeholder "%" at that position of the text,
where you want to get displayed a dynamic text in online mode. Instead of
"PREFIX" you can enter any string matching with a PREFIX-definition used in the
XML-textlist. See the description for the 'Text' configuration dialog.
For each prefix-ID-combination, which is found in a linked XML-file, the assigned
text will be displayed in the visualization element in online mode. If no
appropriate entry is found, no replacement will be done.


XML-File for Dynamic Texts

For a description how to use dynamic texts in the visualization see

• Dynamic Language Switching
• Configuration of Dynamic Language Switching

The basic file must be available in XML format (.xml). In this file texts are
assigned to identifiers (which are a combination of a prefix and a ID)
. In case of

normal texts and tootip texts these combinations can be entered in the configuration
of a visualization element, in order to get displayed the respective text in online mode.
In case of an alarm table the prefix and ID are given by the "path" of the alarm group
in the alarm configuration (prefix) and the line number of the text definition in the

alarm group configuration table (ID).

Example picture showing prefix and ID in an alarm configuration