L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Editors in PLC Designer


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

If the maximum time is exceeded, SFC flags are set which the user can query.

The example shows a step whose execution should last at least two, and at the most,
ten seconds. In Online mode, there is, in addition to these two times, a display of how
long the step has already been active.

'Extras' 'Time Overview'

With this command you can open a window in which you can edit the time settings of

your SFC steps:

Time Boundaries Overview for a SFC POU

In the time boundaries overview, all steps of your SFC POU are displayed. If you have
entered a time boundary for a step, then the time boundary is displayed to the right of
the step (first, the lower limit, then the upper limit). You can also edit the time

boundaries. To do so, click on the desired step in the overview. The name of the step is
then shown below in the window. Go to the Minimum Time or Maximum Time field,
and enter the desired time boundary there. If you close the window with OK, then all
of the changes will be stored.