Workspace, Target settings, Target-support-package – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
This object in the 'Resources' tab provides an image of the currently set project options
(see chapter Project Options). If you open it, you get the 'Options' dialog with the
know categories.
Target Settings
The "Target Settings" is an object of the 'Resources'. Here you define, which target
shall be used for the project and how it will be configured. If a new project is started
with 'Project' 'New', a dialog will open where the target, that means a predefined
configuration for a target, has to be set.
The list of available targets depends on which Target Support Packages (TSP) are
installed on the computer. These describe platform specific basic configurations and
also define, to which extent the configuration can be modified by the user in the PLC
Designer Target settings dialogs.
If no TSP is available, only the setting 'None' will be offered in the target system
selection box. This will switch to simulation mode automatically and no
configuration settings will be possible.
A Target Support Package (TSP) must be installed before starting by the aid of the
installation program InstallTarget which might be part of the PLC Designer-Setup.
A Target Support Package (TSP) contains all the files and configuration information
necessary to control a standard platform with a program created in PLC Designer.
What has to be configured: codegenerator, memory layout, PLC functionality, I/O
modules. In addition libraries, gateway drivers, ini-files for error messaging and PLC
browser have to be linked. The central component of a TSP is one or more Target files.
A Target file directs to the files which are in addition necessary to configure the target.
It is possible that several target files share these additional files.
The default extension for a Target file is *.trg, the format is binary. Additive definitions
are attached to the entries in the target file which determine whether the user can see
and edit the settings in the »PLC Designer« dialogs.
During installation of a TSP the target file for each target is put to a separate directory
and the path is registered. The associated files are copied to the computer according
to the information of a Info file *.tnf . The name of the target directory is the same as
the targets name. It is recommended to store the target specific files in a directory
which is named with the manufacturers name.