Additional plc designer features, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
A Brief Introduction to PLC Designer
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Additional PLC Designer Features
The entire project can be documented or exported to a text file at any time.
For communication purposes »PLC Designer« has a symbolic interface and a DDE
interface. A Gateway Server plus OPC Server and DDE Server are components of the
PLC Designer-standard installation packet.
Using the appropriate target settings, which can be loaded with the aid of a target file
(Target Support Package) allows to load the same PLC Designer project to various
target systems.
Network global variables and a Parameter Manager might be available, if activated by
the current target settings, for data exchange within a network of controllers.
ENI: The 'Engineering Interface' can be used to access any desired source code
management program via the ENI Server, which is running as an independent process.
PLC Designer POUs and compile files can be filed in that data base and are by that
accessible also by other clients of the ENI Server. This allows multi user operation
during the work on a PLC Designer project, it provides a common data pool for
different tools besides »PLC Designer« and it makes possible a version management.
Tools: This functionality also is target dependent and allows to start target-specific
executable files in a PLC Designer project. Besides that files can be defined, which
should be loaded to the controller. Connections to external tools can be pre-defined in
the target file or/and inserted in the project Resource tree.
A PLC Designer visualization can be processed target specifically to be available as
Web-Visualization and/or Target-Visualization. This allows to run and view the
visualization via Internet or on a PLC-monitor.