L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Setting dialog for visualizations (Category Display)
Category Frame: If Auto-scrolling is selected, the visible portion of the visualization
window will move automatically when you reach the edge while drawing or moving a
visualization element. If Best fit in Online mode is selected, the entire visualization
including all elements will be shown in the window in Online mode regardless of the
size of the window. When Include Background Bitmap is selected, the background
bitmap will be fitted into the window as well, otherwise only the elements will be
Category Grid: Define here whether the grid points are visible in the offline mode,
whereby the spacing between the visible points is at least 10 even if the entered size
is smaller than that. In this case the grid points only appear with a spacing which is a
multiple of the entered size. Selecting Active causes the elements to be placed on the
snap grid points when they are drawn and moved. The spacing of the grid points is set
in the field Size.
Category Compile: Per default the used variables get not checked for validity before
going online with a project. If you want this check to be done already during a build
run of the project (command 'Project ' 'Build' resp. 'Rebuild all'), then activate option
Check visualization variable on compile. Invalid variables will be announced by a
warning "... invalid watch expression..." in the message window.