Text for tooltip, Security, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

PLC Designer Visualization


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


Text for ToolTip

The dialog Text for Tooltip offers an input field for text which appears in a text field as
soon as the mouse cursor is passed over the object in online mode. The text can be
formatted with line breaks by using the key combination + .

Dynamic Language Switching:

If in field 'Content' you enter "%" instead of a fix text string, "PREFIX" can be
any string which serves as an identifier for the usage of dynamic texts. The prefix will
be used in combination with an ID, which is to be specified in category 'Variables' in
field 'Tooltip-display'. The combination prefix-ID references uniquely a certain text
which is defined in a special language file in xml-format. Thus at run time always that
text will be displayed which corresponds to the currently valid combination of prefix
and ID. For further information see the description of the dialog 'Settings', category
Language, and the help pages on Language Switching in the Visualization.

Concerning the usage of Unicode format please also see the pages on the Language
Switching in the Visualization.



It might be useful that different user groups get different operating possibilities and
display of a visualization. This can be reached by assigning different access rights
concerning particular visualization elements. You can do this for the eight user groups
which are available in »PLC Designer« (see also 'Project' 'Object' 'Properties' resp.
'Project' 'User Group Passwords'). The access rights can be assigned by activating the
appropriate option in the configuration dialog 'Access rights' for a visualization


Visualization Element Configuration Dialog Box (Category Security)