Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 717

L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Execute program: If this option is activated you can enter ASSIGN- or special "INTERN"-
commands in the input field, which will be executed in online mode as soon as you
perform a mouse-click on the element. Press button "..." to get the dialog Configure
programs where you can select the desired commands (Add) and arrange them in the
desired order (Before, After).
This feature especially is important if the visualization will be the only operating
interface of a system (pure operating version). See a description of the commands:
Special input possibilities for the PLC Designer operating version.
Text input of variable 'Textdisplay': If this option is activated, in online mode you can
enter text in an edit field in this visualization element. This value upon pressing
'Variables' category.
If option Hidden is activated, the text will be replaced by asterisks ("***") in the online
display of the visualization element.
Select in the scroll box which kind of input should be possible later in online mode.
Text: An edit field will open, where you can enter the value.
Numpad resp. Keypad: A window will open showing an image of the numeric resp.
alphabetic keypad, where you can enter a value by activating the appropriate key
elements. This might be useful if the visualization must be operatable via a touch
screen. The range of valid input values can be restricted by defining a minimum and a
maximum value in the edit fields Min: and Max:.
In case of using Target-Visualization regard the possibility to get information on
user inputs via mouse-clicks by special interface functions and to use that directly in
the project.
In case of multiple definition of an element property consider the specific order of
precedence concerning according to which a value might be overwritten in online
mode by another.