L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Curve type: Select one of the options Straight line, Steps or Points. For the first two
types the display of Additional points can be defined. For displaying a point a bitmap
can be defined, otherwise a filled rectangle (same color as curve) will be used as point
symbol. Press the rectangle next to Bitmap to get the standard dialog for selecting a
bitmap file. Via Delete the currently set bitmap can be removed from the
Tolerance band: You can define an upper and lower limit value on the vertical axis to
be displayed as a tolerance band. For each band a color (Press the color rectangle to
get the default resp. target-specific selection dialog) can be defined. If the bands
should be displayed in online mode, activate option Tolerance band as line. If you
want the curve to get displayed in the color defined for the respective band as soon as
exceeding the tolerance value, activate Curve color outside tolerance like tolerance
band. Activate Both or None if you want to activate both or none of the above
described display options at a time.
Example: Display of a trend element in online mode:
Declaration in program PLC_PRG:
n: INT;
rSlider1:REAL; (*for marker function*)
rSlider2:REAL; (*für marker function*)
Programmteil von PLC_PRG:
rValue := rValue + 0.01;
rSinus:=SIN(rValue)*50 + 50;
IF n>100 THEN