Options for 'symbol configuration, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
The Individual Components
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Using the option Implicit at create boot project allows the selected file range to be
automatically loaded into the controller system on the command 'Online' 'Create boot
Using the option Notice at load offers a dialog, when the command 'Online'
'Download' is given, with the question "Do you want to write the source code into the
controller system?". Pressing Yes will automatically load the selected range of files
into the controller system, or you can alternatively finish with No.
When using the option On demand the selected range of files must be expressly
loaded into the controller system by giving the command 'Online' 'Sourcecode
The project which is stored in the controller system can be retrieved by using 'File'
'Open' with Open project from PLC. The files will be unpacked in the process.
The settings will be stored in »PLC Designer«.
Options for 'Symbol Configuration'
The dialog presented here is used for configuring the symbol file which will be created
during each compilation of the project. The symbol file is created as a text file
depending on the used gateway version) in the project directory. The file is needed for
data exchange with the controller via the symbolic interface and will be used for that
purpose e.g. by OPC- or GatewayDDE-Server.
If the option Create symbol entries is activated, then symbol entries for the project
variables will be automatically written to the symbol file. Otherwise only version info
about file and project is contained.
If additionally the option Dump XML symbol table is activated, then also an XML file
containing the symbol information will be created in the project directory. It will be
Regard the following when configuring the symbol entries:
If option 'Symbol config from INI-file' is activated in the target settings, then the
symbol configuration will be read from the plcdesigner.ini file or from another ini-file
which is defined there. (In this case the dialog 'Set object attributes' in »PLC Designer«
cannot be edited).