File' 'close, File' 'save, File' 'save as – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 136: L-force | plc designer

L-force | PLC Designer
The Individual Components
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
'File' 'Close'
With this command you close the currently-open project. If the project has been
changed, then PLC Designer asks if these changes are to be saved or not.
If the project to be saved carries the name "Untitled", then a name must be given to it
(see 'File' 'Save as').
'File' 'Save'
With this command you save any changes in the project. If the project to be saved is
called "Untitled", then you must give it a name (see 'File' 'Save as').
'File' 'Save as'
With this command the current project can be saved in another file or as a library. This
does not change the original project file.
After the command has been chosen the Save dialog box appears. Choose either an
existing File name or enter a new file name and choose the desired file type.
Dialog box for Save as
If the project is to be saved under a new name, then choose the file type PLC Designer
Project (*.pro).
If you choose the file type Project Version 1.5 (*.pro), 2.0 (*.pro), 2.1 (*.pro) or 2.2
(*.pro), then the current project is saved as if it were created with the version 1.5, 2.0,
2.1 or 2.2. Specific data of the version 2.3 can thereby be lost! However, the project
can be executed with the version 1.5, 2.0, 2.1 or 2.2.