Analyzationnew.lib library, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Libraries
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
AnalyzationNew.lib library
Analysis of expressions with the AnalyzationNew.lib library
This library provides modules for the analysis of expressions. If a composed expression
is FALSE, those of its components can be evaluated which are adding to this result. In
the SFC-Editor the flag SFCErrorAnalyzationTable uses this function implicitely for the
analysis of expressions in transitions.
Example of an expression:
b OR NOT(y < x) OR NOT (NOT d AND e)
The functions:
The following variables are used by all modules:
• InputExpr: BOOL, expression to be analysed
• DoAnalyze: BOOL, TRUE starts analysis
• ExpResult: BOOL, current value of the expression
Different is the output of the result of the analyzation:
• AnalyzeExpression returns in a string the components of the expression, which are
adding to the total value FALSE. Function AppendErrorString is used for this
purpose, separating the particular components in the output string by "|"
OutString: STRING, Result of the analysis, Sequence of the concerned components
of the expression (e.g. y < x | d)
• AnalyseExpressionTable writes the components of the expression, which are
adding to the total value FALSE, to an array. For each component the following
information is provided by structure ExpressionResult: name, address, comment,