L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
In the configuration of a visualization element, for which the text display should be
switched dynamically, Prefix and ID are entered (see below) whereby the ID can be
provided by a project variable. A default language can be defined via an INTERN
Thus the following entries have to be made in the different configuration dialogs of a
• Link the XML-file(s) and choose the (start) language: Dialog 'Settings' category
Activate option Dynamic texts and press button Add, in order to link one or several
XML-files, which are available on your system, to the project. The selected files will
be listed in the window below the button. Press button Delete if you want to
remove a selected file from the list. If you want to get displayed just those
visualization elements, for which a dynamic text replacement is done, then
activate option Hide elements, if no text replacement took place.
Selecting one of the language identifiers offered in the selection list at field
Language will cause the display of those text versions (for the corresponding
prefix-ID-combination) which are marked with that language identifier in the
Configuration dialog Settings, category Language, for dynamic texts