Alarm saving, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

The Resources


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

Deactivation: Here a project variable can be entered, which at a rising edge will
deactivate any creation of the alarm. Regard however, that this setting will be
by the entry which might be found in the field 'Deactivation variable' !
(see above).


Alarm saving

For each alarm group a file can be defined, in which the alarm events are stored, if (!) a
'Save' action has been assigned to the class in the alarm class configuration dialog.
Select the alarm group in the configuration tree and open the dialog tab 'Alarm

Configuration dialog 'Alarm saving'

The following definitions are possible:

Filepath: Directories path of the file which is defined in Filename; via button "..." you
get the standard dialog for selecting a directory. If the target-specific option
'Alarmhandling on PLC' is activated, this path will be ignored an the file will be saved
in the download directory of the PLC.
Filename: Name of the file which should save the alarm events (e.g. "alarmlog").
Automatically a file will be created which gets the name defined here plus an
attached digit and which has the extension ".alm". The digit indicates the version of

the log-file. The first file gets a "0"; each further file, which will be created according to
the defined File change event, will be numbered with 1, 2 etc. (Examples:
"alarmlog0.alm", "alarmlog1.alm).
File change event: Define here the event which will cause the creation of a new file for
alarm-saving. Possible entries: Never, after one Hour, after one Day, after one Week,
after one Month, at a rising edge of the variable defined in field Triggervariable, when

the number of records in the file as defined in Number of records gets exceeded.
Triggervariable resp. Number of records: see above, File change event.
Delete old files after .. Hours: Number of days since the day of creation, after which all
alarm log-files except from the actual one should be deleted.