L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 386

L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
The following acknowledgements are available:
• NO_ACK: No acknowledgement of the alarm by the user is required
• ACK_INTO: A "come" alarm condition (status "INTO", alarm occurs) must be
confirmed by the user.
• ACK_OUTOF: A "gone alarm" (status "OUTOF", alarm terminated) must be
confirmed by the user.
• ACK_ALL: Gone and come alarm conditions must be confirmed by the user.
Additionally you can enter a Comment.
Entries for further alarm classes each will be added at the end of the list.
Use button Delete to remove the currently selected entry from the list.
Assigned actions for class
Each alarm class defined in the upper window can get assigned a list of actions, which
should be performed as soon as a Alarm Event occurs.
In the list of Possible actions select one and press button ">" to get it into the field
Assigned actions. This field will finally contain the selection of actions assigned to the
alarm class. Via button ">>" you can add all actions at a single blow. Via "<" resp.. "<<"
you can remove one or all actions from the done existing selection. If an action is
marked in the 'Assigned actions' list, via "..." a corresponding dialog can be opened to
define the desired E-Mail settings, the printer settings, the process variable resp. the
executable program and, if applicable, a message text.