At declaration, Insert' 'declaration keywords, Insert' 'type – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Editors in PLC Designer


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


AT Declaration

If you wish to link a variable directly to a definite address, then you must declare the
variable with the keyword AT. The advantage of such a procedure is that you can
assign a meaningful name to an address, and that any necessary changes of an
incoming or outgoing signal will only have to be made in one place (e.g., in the

Notice that variables requiring an input cannot be accessed by writing.


xCounterHeat7 AT %QX0.0: BOOL;

wLightcabinetimpulse AT %IW2: WORD;

xDownload AT %MX2.2: BOOL;


If boolean variables are assigned to a Byte, Word or DWORD address, they occupy
one byte with TRUE or FALSE, not just the first bit after the offset!


'Insert' 'Declaration keywords'

You can use this command to open a list of all the keywords that can be used in the
declaration part of a POU. After a keyword has been chosen and the choice has been
confirmed, the word will be inserted at the present cursor position.

You also receive the list, when you open the Input Assistant () and choose the
Declarations category.


'Insert' 'Type'

With this command you will receive a selection of the possible types for a declaration
of variables. You also receive the list when you access the Input Assistant ().

The types are divided into these categories:

• Standard types BOOL, BYTE, etc.
• Defined types Structures, enumeration types, etc.
• Standard function blocks for instance declarations
• Defined function blocks for instance declarations
PLC Designer supports all standard types of IEC1131-3