L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Editors in PLC Designer
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
In the example, steps 2 and 6 have a time boundary. Shift1 lasts at least two, and at
most, ten seconds. Shift2 lasts at least seven, and at most, eight seconds.
'Extras' 'Options'
With this command you open a dialog box in which you can set different options for
your SFC POU.
Dialog Box for Sequential Function Chart Options
Under Step Height, you can enter how many lines high an SFC step can be in your SFC
editor. 4 is the standard setting here. Under Step Width, you can enter how many
columns wide a step should be. 6 is the standard setting here.
You can also preset the Display at Step, i.e. which of the attributes, defined 'Extras'
'Step Attributes' should be displayed next to the step. Either choose Comment, Time
Limits.or Nothing:
• If "Nothing" is set, the defined comment and the time limits nevertheless can be
shown in a tooltip, which appears when the cursor is placed on the lower right
corner of the step box.
• If "Comment" is set, the defined comment and the time limits can be shown in a
tooltip, which appears when the cursor is placed on the upper right corner of the
step box.
• If "Time Limits" is set, the defined comment and the time limits nevertheless can
be shown in a tooltip, which appears when the cursor is placed on the lower right
corner of the step box.