L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Command Line-/Command File
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Read-only access for particular objects :
object setreadonly
Sets read-only access to a object; Define the object type and in case
of object types pou, dut, gvl, vis also the name of the object.
Possible object types: pou, dut (data type), gvl (global variables list),
vis (visualization), cnc (CNC object), liblist (Libraries), targetsettings,
toolinstanceobject (particular Tools instance), toolmanagerobject
(all instances in the Tools tree), customplconfig (PLC configuration),
projectinfo (Project information), taskconfig (task configuration),
trace, watchentrylist (Watch and Recipe Manager), alarmconfig
(Alarm configuration)
e.g. "object setreadonly TRUE pou plc_prg" will set the PLC_PRG to
read-only access
Entering communications parameters (gateway, device):
gateway local
Sets the gateway on the local computer as the current gateway.
gateway tcpip
Sets the gateway in the specified remote computer as the current
Important: Only gateways that have no password set can be
device guid
Sets the device with the specified GUID as the current device.
GUID must have the following format:
The curly brackets and the hyphens must appear at the specified
device instance
Sets the instance name for the current device to the name specified
device parameter
device, to the parameter with the specified ID.
System call:
Carries out the specified operating system command.
Select target system:
Sets the target platform for the current project. If »PLC Designer« is
getting started with command line option "/notargetchange", only
by this command a target can be set.