Extras' 'configure, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
'Extras' 'Configure'
With this command, the 'Configure element' dialog opens for configuring the selected
visualization element (see Select visualization element). You are given the dialog box
when you double-click on the element.
Select a category in the left area of the dialog box (available categories depending on
element type) and fill out the requested information in the right area. This has to be
done by activating options resp. by inserting the name of valid variables, whose values
should define the property of the element.
There are also configuration dialogs available for a group of elements. Regard that
the settings will be valid for the "element" group. If you want to configure the
particular elements of the group, you have to resolve the group.
If you have defined an element property by a "static" setting as well as dynamically
by a variable, then in online mode the variable will overwrite the static value
(Example: "Alarm color Inside" can be defined statically in category 'Color' and
additionally dynamically in category 'Colorvariables' by a variable). If the setting is
controlled by a "normal" project variable as well as by a structure variable, then the
value of structure variable also will be overwritten by the "normal" project variable.
Please regard: Meter, Bar Display and Histogram must be re-grouped before !
At locations in the element configuration where variables are operative, the following
Entries are possible:
• Variable names, for which input assistant is available
• Expressions which are assembled from component accesses, field accesses with
constant index, variables and direct addresses.
• Operators and constants, which can be combined at will with the aforementioned
• Placeholders instead of variable names or text strings
Examples of permissible expressions:
x + y
9*sin(x + 100)+cos(y+100)