L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 378

L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Section Node guard Settings: (alternatively to guarding by the Heartbeat mechanism)
If the option Nodeguarding is activated, a message will be sent to the module
according to the interval set by Guard Time in milliseconds. If the module does not
then send a message with the given Guard COB-ID (Communication Object Identifier),
it will receive the status "timeout". As soon as the number of attempts (Life Time
Factor) has been reached, the module will receive the status "not OK". The status of
the module will be stored at the diagnosis address. No monitoring of the module will
occur if the variables Guard Time and Life Time Factor are not defined (0).
Section Heartbeat Settings: (alternatively to Nodeguarding)
If the option Activate Heartbeat Producer is activated, the module will send
heartbeats according to the interval defined in Heartbeat Producer Time: given in ms.
If the option Activate Heartbeat Consumer is activated, then the module will listen to
heartbeats which are sent by the master. As soon as no more heartbeats are received,
the module will switch off the I/Os.
Section Emergency Telegram:
A module sends an emergency message, with a unique COB-Id., when there is an
internal error. These messages, which vary from module to module, are stored in the
diagnosis address.
The entries "FileInfo" and "DeviceInfo" of the EDS or DCF file from the corresponding
module manufacturer are hidden behind the Info button.
CAN Modules Selection for Modular Slaves
In the left column (Available modules) you find all modules which are available for the
slave. Mark the desired modules and by using the buttons Add and Remove create a
selection in the right column (Selected Modules). The PDO- and SDO selection will be
updated automatically.