L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
PLC Designer Visualization
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
The equivalent in the
programming version
of »PLC Designer«
READRECEIPT of watch list> 'Read receipt' In the defined watch list the pre- definition of the variables will be Regard: The watch list must be 500 ms must be inserted ( see WRITERECEIPT of watch list> 'Write receipts' The name of a watch list of the receipt manager is expected. The receipt of this watch list will be DEFINERECEIPT is not necessary. SAVEWATCH 'Save watch list' The receipt will be read into the Important: call a previous LOADWATCH 'Load watch list'+ 'Write receipt' The standard window ‚File open' appears, from which a previously CHANGEUSERLEVEL - A dialog for setting the user group level will open. The eight CHANGEPASSWORD cp. 'Project' 'User Group A dialog for changing the user SAVEPROJECT 1)2) 'File' 'Save' The project will be saved. EXITPROGRAM 1)2) 'File' 'Close' The program will be exited. PRINT 1)2) 'File' 'Print' The current visualization will be HELP 1)2) Call of a help file Depending on which language is for that language in the PLC 'settings')
replaced by the current values.
defined before via
DEFINERECEIPT and a delay of
above: command DELAY) !
written. A previous execution of
current watch list which will be
stored in a file.
DEFINERECEIPT to define the
current receipt and insert a delay
of 500 ms (see above: command
stored receipt can be selected.
This receipt will be immediately
written into the controller
PLC Designer user group levels
are offered for selection.
group password will appear.
printed out online.
set for the visualization, a help
file will be called which is entered
Designer ini-file. (see 'Extras'