L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 389

L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Furtheron when defining the alarm in the alarm group enter in column 'Message' the
following: "Temperature critical !". The output of the final alarm message will be like
Note for translation to other languages:The message text will also be affected in case
of a change of the project language if it is included in a *.vis-file or a translation file
*.tlt. BUT: In this case - like texts referring to a visualization it has to be set between
two "#"-characters (e.g. in the example shown above : "#Temperature critical !#" and
"TIME /EXPRESSION: MESSAGE #current#: VALUE", in order to get the text entered in
the translation file as ALARMTEXT_ITEMs.)
A log file for action 'Save' is to be defined in the configuration of the alarm group.
Alarm Events for actions:
For each action you define, at which alarm events it should be started.
Activate the desired events:
INTO The alarm occurs. Status = INTO.
ACK Acknowledgement by the user has been done. Status = ACK.
OUTOF Alarm state terminated. Status = OUTOF.
Colors/Bitmaps for class
Each alarm class can get assigned own colors and bitmaps, which will be used for the
differentiation of the alarms in the visualization element alarm table. Select a
Foreground color and Background color for the possible events INTO, ACK and OUTOF
(see above). The standard dialog for selecting a color will open as soon as you perform
a mouse-click on the color symbol. For selecting a bitmap a mouse-click on the grey
rectangle will open the standard dialog for selecting a file.