Extras' 'select background bitmap, Extras' 'clear background bitmap, Extras' 'keyboard usage – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

PLC Designer Visualization


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


'Extras' 'Select Background Bitmap'

Use this command to open the dialog box for selecting files. Select a file with the
extension "*.bmp". The selected bitmap will then appear as the background in your

The bitmap can be removed with the command 'Extras' 'Clear Background Bitmap'.


'Extras' 'Clear Background Bitmap'

Use this command to remove the bitmap as the background for the current

You can use the command 'Extras' 'Select Background Bitmap' to select a bitmap for
the current visualization.


'Extras' 'Keyboard usage'

The use of hotkeys can optimize the pure keyboard operation of a visualization.

In the configuration of a visualization object you can define hotkeys which will cause
actions like visualization elements do. For example you could define that – if

visualization 'xy' is active – in online mode the hotkey will stop the
program, which also will happen as soon as element 'z' of visu 'xy' gets an input (by
mouse-click or via touch screen).

Anyway per default the keys will work in that way that
in online mode each element of a visualization can be selected and activated.

The dialog 'Keyboard usage: set possible keystrokes' can be called in the menu 'Extras'
or in the context menu:

Dialog 'Keyboard usage: set possible keystrokes'