L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

Page 196

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L-force | PLC Designer

The Individual Components


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

If the element is used within the address range of a structure or an array, this position
will also be listed (Example: A variable wVar of type WORD is assigned to %MW2. A
variable arrVar of type ARRAY [0..2] OF WORD is assigned to %MW0. If you call the
cross reference list for wVar, arrVar[2] will be found). The same is true for structures.

If an element is used within a visualization, the visualization name will be shown in
column "POU". However note the following concerning placeholders within a
visualization: The cross reference list only regards variable name strings, which are
already entered in the configuration of a visualization element, not however any
names, which are generated during compilation of the project due to placeholder
replacements !!

When you select a line of the cross reference list and press the button Go To or
doubleclick on the line, then the POU is shown in its editor at the corresponding point.
In this way you can jump to all application points without a time-consuming search.

In order to make processing easier, you can use the Send to message window button

to bring the current cross reference list into the message window and from there
change to the respective POU.

Dialog box and example of a cross reference list