Configuration of a channel, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

The Resources


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

Value : Value of the parameter, editable

Initially the default is displayed. Values can be set directly or by means of symbolic
names. If the entries in the configuration file are not set to 'Read Only', they can be
edited. To do that click on the edit field respectively select one of the entries in a scroll
list. If the value is a file name, you can open the dialog 'Open file' by a double-click and
browse for another file there.

Default: Default value of the parameters

Min.: minimum value of the parameter (only if no symbolic names are used)

Max.: maximum value of the parameter (only if no symbolic names are used)

A tooltip may give additional information on the currently marked parameter.

Instead of the Module parameters dialog there might be a customer specific dialog.
This is due to the fact, that such a dialog is linked by an entry (Hook-DLL) at the
module definition in the configuration file.


Configuration of a Channel

Base parameters of a channel

Base parameters dialog for a channel

Channel-Id: Globally unique identifier of the channel

Class: Defines whether the channel is used as input (I), output (Q), or as input and
output (I&Q), or whether it is switchable (I|Q). If the channel is switchable, this can be
done by the command 'Extras' 'Replace element'.

Size: Size of the channel [Byte]