Editing of the translation file, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
The Individual Components
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Editing of the translation file
The translation file must be opened and saved as a text file. The signs ## mark
keywords. The ##TODO-placeholders in the file can be replaced by the valid
translation. For each language symbol a paragraph is generated which starts and ends
with a type identifier. For example ##NAME_ITEM and ##END_NAME_ITEM include a
section for the name of an object as used in the object organizer. (COMMENT_ITEM
marks sections for comments, IDENTIFIER_ITEM those for identifiers, STRING_ITEM
those for strings and VISUALTEXT_ITEM those for visualization texts).
See in the following an example of a translation file paragraph which handles the
name of one of the POUs of the project. ST_Visu. The target languages shall be
English(USA) and French. In this example the position information of the project
element which should be translated has been added:
before translation:
##English :: ##TODO
##French :: ##TODO
after translation:
The ##TODOs have been replaced by the English resp. French word for 'Visualisierung':
##English :: ST_Visualization
##French :: ST_Visu
Please check that the translated Identifier and Names remain valid concerning the
standard and that strings and comments are in correct brackets. Example: For a
comment (##COMMENT_ITEM) which is represented with "(* Kommentar 1 )" in the
translation file, the "##TODO" behind "##English" must be replaced by a "(* comment
1 *)". For a string (##STRING_ITEM) represented with "zeichenfolge1" the "##TODO"
must be replaced by "string1".
The following parts of a translation file should not be modified without detailed
knowledge: Language block, Flag block, Position information, Original texts.