L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
Page 397

L-force | PLC Designer
The Resources
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Link to file:
Filename: If you have an export file (*.exp) or a DCF file, which contains the desired
variables, you can set up a link to this file. To do this, insert the path of the file in the
field Filename resp. press the button Browse to get the standard dialog 'Select text
file'. DCF files are converted to ICE syntax when they are read in.
Activate option Import before compile, if you wish that the variable list will be read
from the external file before each compilation of the project. Activate the option
Export before compile, if you want the variable list to be written to the external file
before each compilation of the project.
If you close the 'Global variable list' dialog with OK, the new object is created. Global
variables lists can be recognized in the Object Organizer by the symbol
. With the
command 'Project' 'Object' 'Properties' you can re-open the 'Global variable list'
configuration dialog for the entry marked in the Object Organizer.
Configuration of network variables:
If the option 'Support network variables' is activated in the target settings, then the
looks like shown in the picture. If the option is not activated, the button is not
configuration sets for up to four network connections, each on an separate tab. A
configuration set defines the parameters of the data exchange for the particular
variables list within the network. In order for the exchange in the network to work as
intended, the same variable list must be compatibly configured to match in the other
network subscribers.
If no configuration is yet present, you will get in the case of a UDP network a single
tabulator sheet with the inscription 'Connection 1 (UDP)'. Each time the 'Add network'
button is pressed again, you get up to four more sheets inscribed with serial numbers
after „Connection".
Network type: Choose the desired type from the list. The list is defined by the target
system entries. For example, „CAN" as an abbreviation for a CAN network, or „UDP"
for a UDP transmission system, might be selectable.