L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

PLC Designer Visualization


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29

In case of multiple definition of an element property consider the specific order of
precedence concerning according to which a value might be overwritten in online
mode by another.

Dialog Box for Configuring Visualization Elements (Text Category)

Enter the text in the Content field. With the key combination + you can
insert line breaks, with +, tab stops. Besides the input of a pure text string
you can use the following formatting sequences (via button

the corresponding

online help page can be opened):

If you include "%s" into the text, then this location, in Online mode, will be replaced by
the value of the variable from the Textdisplay field of the Variables category. Instead
of "s" you also can use other formatting strings conforming with the standard C-
library function 'sprintf': See here a sample list of strings and arguments:

Character Argument / Output as

d,i Decimal



Unsigned octal number (without leading zerol)


Unsigned hexadecimal number (without leading 0x)


Unsigned decimal number

c Single





REAL-values; syntax: %||f
Accuracy defines the number of decimal places behind the comma (Default is 6). Example
see below.