Breakpoint positions in text editor, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Editors in PLC Designer
DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29
Breakpoint Positions in Text Editor
Breakpoint positions include all positions in a program at which values of variables
can change or where the program flow branches off. (Exception: function calls. If
necessary, a breakpoint in the function must be set here.) At the positions lying
inbetween, a breakpoint would not even make sense, since nothing has been able to
change in the data since the preceding breakpoint position.
This results in the following breakpoint positions in the IL:
• At the start of the POU
• At every LD, LDN (or, in case a LD is located at a label, then at the label)
• At every JMP, JMPC, JMPCN
• At every label
• At every CAL, CALC, CALCN
• At every RET, RETC, RETCN
• At the end of the POU
Structured Text accommodates the following breakpoint positions:
• At every assignment
• At every RETURN and EXIT instruction
• in lines where conditions are being evaluated (WHILE, IF, REPEAT)
• At the end of the POU
Breakpoint positions are marked by the display of the line number field in the color
which is set in the project options.
IL Editor with Possible Breakpoint Positions (darker number fields)