Single step, Single cycle, Change values online – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

Page 76: Monitoring, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

What is What in PLC Designer


DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


Single step

Single step means:

• In IL: Execute the program until the next CAL, LD or JMP command.
• In ST: Execute the next instruction.
• In FBD, LD: Execute the next network.
• In SFC: Continue the action until the next step.

By proceeding step by step you can check the logical correctness of your program.


Single Cycle

If Single cycle has been chosen, then the execution is stopped after each cycle.


Change values online

During operations variables can be set once at a certain value (write value) or also
described again with a certain value after each cycle (force value). In online mode one
also can change the variable value by double click on the value. By that boolean

variables change from TRUE to FALSE or the other way round, for each other types of
variables one gets the dialog Write Variable xy, where the actual value of the variable
can be edited.



In Online mode, all displayable variables are read from the controller and displayed in

real time. You will find this display in the declarations and program editor; you can
also read out current values of variables in the watch and receipt manager and in a

visualization. If variables from instances of function blocks are to be monitored, the
corresponding instance must first be opened.

In monitoring VAR_IN_OUT variables, the de-referenced value
is output.

In monitoring pointers, both the pointer and the de-referenced value are output in the
declaration portion. In the program portion, only the pointer is output:

+ --pointervar = '<'pointervalue'>'

POINTERs in the de-referenced value are also displayed accordingly. With a simple
click on the cross or a double-click on the line, the display is either expanded or