Get all latest versions, Multiple check out, Multiple check in – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R2-x) User Manual

Page 181: Multiple undo check out, Project version history, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

The Individual Components

DMS 3.2 EN 02/2011 TD29


Get All Latest Versions

Command 'Project' 'Data Base Link' 'Get All Latest Versions'

The latest version of each object of the currently opened project, which is kept under
source control, will be called from the data base. Consider the following:

• If in the meantime additional objects have been stored to the data base project

folder, then those will now be added to the local project in »PLC Designer«.

• If objects have been deleted in the data base in the meantime, those will not be

deleted in the local project, but they will automatically get assigned to category

• The latest version of objects of category 'Shared Objects' will only be called, if

these objects are already available in the local project. For further information see

command 'Get latest version'.

Multiple Check Out

Command 'Project' 'Data Base Link' 'Multiple Check Out'

You can check out several objects at a single blow. For this the dialog 'ENI-Selection'

will open, listing all POUs of the project. Select those which should be checked out and
confirm with OK. For further information see command 'Check Out'.

Multiple Check In

Command 'Project' 'Data Base Link' 'Multiple Check In'

You can check in several objects at a single blow. For this the dialog 'ENI-Selection' will
open, listing all POUs of the project. Select those which should be checked in and

confirm with OK. For further information see command 'Check In'.

Multiple Undo Check Out

Command 'Project' 'Data Base Link' Undo Multiple Check Out'

You can undo the check out action for several objects at a single blow. For this the
dialog 'ENI-Selection' will open, listing all POUs of the project. Select those for which

you want to cancel the check out and confirm with OK. For further information see
command 'Undo Check Out'.

Project Version History

Command 'Project' 'Data Base Link' 'Project Version History

If the chosen data base system supports that functionality, you can use this command
to view the version history for the currently opened project.